Thursday, November 5, 2009


The doc called. I'm anemic. Boo-hoo. Although I should have guessed. I'm exhausted just looking at a load of laundry. Or dishes. Anything really.

Anyone have advice on iron supplements? A few years ago I took some and ah, well, if you've not taken them, they're a real bummer.


Daniel and Cerissa said...

I'm sorry for you :(
Thank goodness for caring doctors :)
No advice on iron, but I'm sure someone out there does.
Praying for you and baby.

Lori said...

I'm so sorry! No clue on supplements, but please come over some morning and take a load off. We'll have steak salad for lunch... yum! Praying for you!

Audra said...

Oh yikes. I hate that feeling of "blaw"...but it will all be worth it!!! I know some great vitamins (natural, etc.) How much iron are you suppose to be getting a day now?

Candice said...

Dr. Brash gave me some samples of prenatles that had a load of iron and a, help with the side effects. I am always anemic with pregnancy and those things worked wonders. They are called Primacare One or the generic is Natal One. It's a perscription and a little pricy but my insurance paid for them.

Olson Family said...

I, too, was anemic during one of my pregnancies and got the bright idea that I'd cook up some liver and onions. A couple of torturous bites later and I was cheerfully saying, "Pass the bottle of iron supplements, please!" But, uh, yes, I know what you mean about those bummer side affects. I'm glad Candice shared her knowledge... perhaps...

...And steak salad! Lori, you're the best!

I'm praying for you. Love you!

Keisha Valentina said...

Oh, I am so sorry to hear this! Malia was just tested for anemia but it was negative... I wish I had some helpful tips for you but I don't other than finding a good naturepath. Are there any in Spokane?

Craig and Bethany said...

Thanks a million ladies! I knew you would have great advice. Thanks for your prayers. And steak-salad, um YES!!

Kathy said...

Hi Bethany! A friend of mine was anemic during one of her pregnancies. What she did was this: she bought a cast iron pot. You know, those heavy ones that you can get at a camping store...She cooked creme of wheat in it every morning. This really really helped her! She used half milk and half water to cook the creme of wheat so it would taste better. (don't get the instant creme of wheat, you want to get the one you have to cook for 5 minn. or so)

Good luck to you Honi! Al and I will be praying for you!!!

deac-in-training said...

My naturopath recommends iron citrate. It's supposed to be less constipating than the other kinds out there. Really hard to find locally, but I think they have it at Mother's Cupboard. I'll let you know if I find it there.

Daiquiri said...

Aww, sorry to hear that! I was anemic with each of my 4 pregnancies. As if you need MORE reason to be exhausted...growing an entire human being isn't enough?! :-) I always took "Slow FE"...or a generic slow release iron supplement. Worked great for me. Bring on the steak (and plenty of fruits and veggies to go with that iron). Blessings...

Craig and Bethany said...

Oh y'all, thanks soooo much. Taking a bit here, a bit there of your wisdom, I seem to be finding my way through this whole thing with way more grace than I deserve. {Hug}